Sunday, February 3, 2008


This thing is gonna be difficult to keep up with, but I'm going to do it!
It's been a tiring week, and I've barely started classes. I've got so much on my mind right now between getting classes figured out, and seeing Paris, and keeping my funds in check, and arranging travel plans outside of paris(partially a big headache now, but hopefully itll be worth it in the end!), and trying to stay on Mme Enthoven's good side.....I need a break, haha, maybe I'll watch a movie or something tomorrow to chill out. Anyways, recap of the week, if I can remember it:

Tried out two EDUCO (only our program) classes, and decided upon taking Steven Kaplan's "Dis moi ce que tu manges et je te dirai qui tu es" class, aka Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are. It's basically food/meal philosophy with some anthropology, gastronomy, history, and what not thrown in there. The guy's a bread historian, prides himself on being the first professor in the US to teach classes like this about food. And he's definitely passionate about it, which is probably why he managed to keep my attention the whole 3 hours(yes, all my classes are 3 hours long) and made me really excited about the class.

Other than that I tried out a film class, film analysis, "the actor in the film." Not my particular subject, but I needed a fourth course, and my friend Katie, who's a film major, is taking it. I'm gonna do it pass/fail, should be interesting overall. I like anything arts-related.

This coming week I start my two other classes, Medieval Archaeology and Histoire de la Révolution Française: Religions et Révolution. Hopefully theyre good because I dont really have back-ups, eep!

Other than that we've just been sightseeing a bit and enjoying paris nightlife. Notre Dame, the Sacré-coeur, le Musée d'Orsay. We went to my favorite fondue restaurant, "Le Refuge des Fondues" last night. Best cheese fondue ever, wine in a baby bottle, hilariously rude owners/servers. Katie, Marla and I spoke French through the whole meal, very comfortably might I add, and so I'm feeling a lot better about my French. However, whenever Mme Enthoven says something to me, all I can get out is "d'accord" or "merci" or a head nod. She makes me nervous.

Yeah, basically I'm just not comfortable with the whole French "coldness." The way if something's a tiny bit wrong, she just says it, no fear of hurting my feelings or anything. I know she doesn't mean anything by it. I'm likely just overly sensitive. So I'm trying to get over it, haha. Oh, and I have to go to a laundromat to do my laundry. Which basically means I'm going to try and only do laundry once a month....i think it's possible, lol, I mean I still have stuff I haven't worn. We'll see...laundry's expensive.
Boo. :P

Definitely more fun than laundry and cleaning the tub every day...Paris nightlife :D We've found some snazzy bars and cafés and such to hang at, in particular the "Moosehead" (a canadian bar). And hopefully we're headed there tonight. I'm taking a quick nap and then were gonna watch the Super Bowl, first time in my life, haha. Should be a good time.

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