Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Les Examens de l'enfer

My updates have been lacking due to paris auto-mode and this horrible thing called exam month. I swear, exams should never be spread out this much. My first one was the 20th, my last one in june 10th. Other people's started as early as May 5th! Its crazy. Too much time to stress out. I've realized that i prefer papers by farrr over exams, and I'm slightly freaking out over my next three exams. I know I can do well on my food history exam, it just requires a lot of reading/studying. I'm likely to have a panic attack over my history exam which has yet to be scheduled since the professor hasn't emailed me back. I emailed our program academic advisor asking what i should do (hoping that she would be like, if he doesnt respond, you dont have to take it since i'm not actually supposed to have an exam in the class, educo is making him make us one =_=) anyways, she's trying to contact him. of course my secret motives and plotting were unsuccessful, though there's still a chance, haha. and then my archaeology exam is june 10th, which I'm less worried about now since my tutor has been amazing. she even got old exams for me to practice with.

I am sad that I haven't been keeping written track of the past month, but at the same time I don't think it would've been fun for people to have to read about my constant stress :P So just a quick list-ish update of what i've been up too. After spring break, Lizzy Parker came to Paris for a week and we had a good time (and i still managed to write 2 papers, lol). We went up to the top of Notre Dame which was a gorgeous view. It was nice to see the gargoyles up close and the architecture of the top of Notre Dame. We also went up the Tour Eiffel but it was raiiiining, so that made things interesting. Lots of sitting in the gardens and relaxing because she was exhausted after exams.

Then...first french exam, in my film class. It wasn't that bad in the end. I knew I just had to pass, and I'm 99% sure I did. The questions were very fair, and she read us our rights before we took the exam, one of them being, "Foreign students have the right to a dictionary and a grammar book." I had brought my little pocket dico that came in very handy.

Audrey came this past weekend, we'd been counting down the days since I can't remember how long. We got a lot done and did a lot of walking. General recap: Hour-long airport search. Carrying the heaviest suitcases ever through the metro. Falafel amazingness. Longchamp buying. Tuileries. Orangerie (Monet museum), awkward photos. Champs Elysées. Random parade. Arc de triompe. Deux Cigales dinner with Joey and Liz. Pub Crawl. Moose. Longest church service ever. Liturgical dance. Amazing youth choir. Picnic at champs de mars. Pregnant gypsies begging for grapes. Louvre. Homeless man attacking crêpe stand. Notre Dame Mass. Baby Bottles Fondue. Sacré Coeur - more beautiful than ever. Eiffel Tower at night. Sleep. Rabid parisian woman. Pastries. Good bye :(

Alright, now I must end my procrastination and begin work on everything that involves the history and theory of french cuisine....I think I'll start with..Lunch. Good plan.

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