Tuesday, January 22, 2008

M'envoyez Des Lettres!

facial french word of the day: une barbiche = a goatee

Figured out my mailing address today!

Ellen Lyle
Chez Mme Enthoven
137 bd Raspail
75006 Paris, France

Today we visited the Panthéon~ Unfortunately the tour guide was sick so we had to wait an hour while they brought another one in, and they he, in all his unkempt glory (undershirt sticking out..unzipped fly....among other lovely details), proceeded to give us every last detail of every historical fact about the place. Not my idea of a good tour, but the place was beautiful nonetheless, and of course we saw Victor Hugo's and Marie Curie's graves in the crypt. The top area was closed for renovations, so we couldnt go up and see the lovely view as Katie suggested to me :(
I sort of regret not signing up for the Opera Garnier tour instead, so I'll have to go do that myself sometime!

A few pictures:


Our freezing cold faces!

Vivre Libre ou Mourir! Live free or Die!

And on a random bright note, I found Herbal Essences "Fruit Fusions" today at the Monoprix!!!!!! They stopped carrying it (my fave shampoo, smells so good!) in the states and in canada this past year, and Meg and I were so sad! It was a lil pricey, but well worth it!!

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