First of all, I was browsing Gibert Jeune today, our bookstore that is supposed to have all the University of Paris textbooks, butnever does, so you have to go trapsing around town to find them all. Anyways, I was looking with my friend Katie for our film book, and I here "Lizi!" and lo and behold, it's Marisa de la Fuente, one of my friends and fellow french students from Maclay!! :D Definitely the highlight of my day, I was so surprised!! We talked for a bit and exchanged #s so we can get together. My spirits were up for most of the rest of the day because of that, it's always nice to have a 'home' moment here.
I went to both my film class at Paris 7 today and my Paris 1 art history class. At the first, the doors were locked, so Katie and I, with this Czech student we made friends with, went to the offices section of the building and found out film classes were cancelled this week. Oh the French university system. In two words, it sucks. They have no means of communicating with you, nor do they tell anyone this in advance. =_= So then when I went to my Paris 1 class in the afternoon, there were a ton of people in the Amphitheater before class started, so i walked in, they handed me a random piece of paper which talked about "inscriptions," signing up for I asked, and realized that this definitely wasssnt my class. After a few phone calls and a visit to the art history office, I found that classes didnt start until nextttt week. Way to go Paris 1, for advertising that classes started this week. You're a winner. Anyways, at least I had the afternoon off ;-)
Other bits of the day...I, with two other girls from EDUCO and a couple french students from Charles V, am helping organized get-togethers between the french and american students of the two programs. Our last one was uber fun, so this should be a good way to get to know french students and practice the language of course. Except, technically, they're supposed to speak in english and we in french. odd but interesting.
And one last note, a simple difference between France and the solution.
Exhibit A: Mr. Clean - Bald, creepy yet macho cleaning machine with one earring. Do you have your tickets to the gun show? (excuse my Dwight Schrute reference).
Exhibit B: Saint Marc - Beams of light reflecting in your clean tub, every time. Amen to that.
Yet both have rays of light naturally behind their heads, have their names in bold red font, and are available in nature-inspired scent. The keys to marketing cleaners.
1 comment:
Just discovered your blog, and am happy to have a way to keep up with you. Yay internet! Check mine out too if you want to read of my latest adventures. The URL is on my FB page.
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